
Mimi Series

Heryin publishes outstanding children's picture books for readers of all ages. We hope that at the heart of each book there is humanity and sympathy, conveyed by the author or artist with words and artworks of the highest quality. We aim to provide reading experiences that are joyful and touching.
Written by Yih Fen Chou
Illustrated by Chih Yuan Chen
Ages:2 and up

Mimi Says No
This book is simple and fun. Mimi expresses herself with a directness and strength that resonates with young readers. As they become more independent, toddlers enjoy exploring their environment and develop a more clearly defined sense of self. In many situations, they tend to insist on doing something themselves. "No" becomes their pet phrase. Satisfying this psychological need benefits both their mental and physical development. 



【Author Biography】
Yih Fen Chou

A mother of two, Chou has for many years been editor-in-chief for a children’s book publisher. She received a second Master’s in Educational Psychology from the University of Wisconsin. 
Her Ph.D. thesis dealt with the relationship between young children’s favorite picture books and their cognitive development. Chou is the author of Mimi Says No, Mimi Loves to Mimic and Albert’s First Flight.
【Translator Biography】
【Illustrator Biography】
Chih Yuan Chen

Chen’s artwork is a treasure trove of childhood fun. Images come to life through his skillful layering of a variety of media, including watercolors, pastiche and pencil. 
Chen’s works have received the Publishers Weekly Best Children’s Book Award, 2009 NCTE Best Children’s Picture Book, ALA Notable Book distinction, and have even reached the New York Times "Top 10" bestseller list.
Mimi’s independent ways continue … as she learns that her favorite word just might be ‘NO!’ Not quite capable, but wanting to prove she’s no longer a baby, Mimi is very very good at saying ‘NO I’ll dress myself!” even when her jumper ends up backwards on her little body, or “NO I’ll pour my own milk!” and having it end up anywhere but her cup, or “NO I’ll give Mommy a hug!” when Mommy offers her comfort after a fall … Parents will definitely recognize their adorable little ones in Mimi. And adorable little ones with share a few good laughs with this adventurous new friend.